The Anglican Church of Australia Directory 2024/25

The Anglican Church of Australia Directory 2024/25
Compiled with the development of a personalised digital renewal form, clergy will now be able to keep their information valid on an ongoing basis and this will speed up the data verification process for forthcoming editions.

The Directory has been comprehensively updated with the help of the General Synod Office and Diocesan offices throughout Australia and includes:

Foreword from the Primate
How to use the Directory
The Office of the Primate
Chart of Australian Dioceses
Map of Australian Dioceses
• Bishop(s) and major office bearers
• Diocesan structure
• Parish/church list
• Clergy list
Churches, parishes and their clergy
Schools and Colleges
and more!
$80.00 + p&h ISBN 9781922441119
Order HERE
Purchasers of the 2024/25 edition will also have free access to the online Directory for the life of the print version. This is estimated to be two years.