Monthly Archives: December 2021

God is Enough – A summary and discussion starter

God is Enough the alpha and omega of church Reflection I have come to know Bishop Matt Brain since his move to Bendigo three years ago and have developed great respect for his Christ-like leadership for the Diocese. I am challenged by his humble demeanour and all-embracing care and concern for everyone he meets. As I read God is Enough, I could sense his passion for us to place our full dependance on God as we move forward as a Church in these days, and to nurture one another in that knowledge. It is a natural impulse for me to want to fix things that go wrong, or to find a solution to a challenging situation. So, it is a discipline for me to be patient – to stop, listen and take a measured approach. In addressing some of the challenges the Church faces – a decline in acceptance and changing technology and social behaviour – Christians might naturally lose heart and become discouraged. Or we might seek to devise ways to become more attractive and acceptable only to become more isolated and worn out as we do so. Bishop Matt, in Part A of this book, encourages readers to see that we have the ultimate resource – God himself: the provider of the gifts we need and the founder of a community (the Church) bound together in love, which has the capacity to demonstrate the character of Jesus and influence others by the way we live. We are shown some of the common pitfalls congregations face as they work through daily life together and we’re presented with some descriptions of why we may have hope as congregations, churches, and the Church.